Life and Afterlife: II. Nocturnal Procession

For: Orchestra
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Life and Afterlife: II. Nocturnal Procession


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Year of composition
David Stybr
Difficult (Grades 7+)
6 minutes
Modern classical music
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Note: This score is at sounding pitch. Parts available upon request.

Commentary by Left Brain vs. Right Brain. RB: "Right away I see some bizarre patterns. Both your themes in the orchestral exposition have 5-bar phrases, and you begin almost all phrases with a rest on the 1st beat. Maybe you intended the music to seem seem hesitant and eerie. And can't you make up your mind whether the key is D Minor or E Minor? You even squeeze in traces of G Minor and A Minor." LB: "The tonalities are an upward struggle. The movement begins in D Minor, and then climbs a step into E Minor. Then it falls to D Minor again, climbs to E Minor, and climbs another whole step into F-Sharp Minor in the lyrical central R?verie section. It briefly reaches the relative major key of the piece, A Major, but falls down into its dominant minor: the home key of D Minor again. At the end, the music builds toward A Major again, but D Minor wins at the last second." RB: "As if those tonic gymnastics weren't enough, the real fun came in the central R?verie section, as I transformed Themes I & II into a contrapuntal accompaniment. Next I experimented with fragments of both themes, and they melded into a soaringly syncopated but lyrically passionate 11-bar melody in F-Sharp Minor!" LB: "This piece was completed in May 2002 in Washington, DC."

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