Rodrigo Miranda

Mr. Rodrigo Miranda
Fredrikinkatu 41 A 10
Rodrigo is a Brazilian who lives in Finland for four years now. He met music through the Salvation Army and attempted to play cornet. He is not a brilliant musician but can read music. He started to make some small arrangements on Sibelius for fun and found a great pleasure and satisfaction while doing it.
He has never studied harmony. He uses the trail and error system to arrange and compose. Rodrigo's main influences are, of course, from the Salvation Army and baroque music.
He played at the local church brass band, Rio de Janeiro Divisional Band and at the Brazilian National Band (of the Salvation Army) - where he served as the principal cornet soloist for more then 5 years .
Rodrigo is a pastor in Finland and He would appreciate if you'd leave your opinion about his music.