Jeffrey Thorpe

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Multi-instrumentalist, ex-pro musician, Tertiary Qualifications in Music Education, wrote a top 40 hit in 1978, 6 musicals, endless scores and arrangements along the way, 2 Music text books, ex High School Music Specialist, 16 years in Ed Admin., specialist in Learning Styles, 2001 Australia Day Award for Outstanding Service within Education Queensland, M.D. for a range of Acts and Shows, Currently arrange for and M.D. 25 piece band, also currently M.D. and lead guitar for Country Music Club, now happily composing and arranging to my hearts content- LOVE Sibelius and currently a Sibelius Training Partner and MAGA (Music Arrangers Guild of Australia) Stamp Number 606. Several of my works have been four times in the Sib Top 10 (peaked at no 3)and three times in the Sib 'OTHER' catagory top 5.(number 2 twice, highest to date) and No 3 in Pop/Rock, 7 in Jazz and 4 in Educational….so far…(yeah, but who's counting….well I am - great for my self belief)! ;-)(NB - This was in the previous Sib Site before the BETA site changes so new visitors would be hard pressed to know what I am talking about) I try to make my music fun (mostly) - hope you enjoy. I welcome and appreciate feedback and would really appreciate any reviews that you would care to add or if you enjoyed the work you could push the vote button. I am open to further commissions. The photo doesn't show it but I actually smile a lot (photo actually shows me dancing on the inside) Had live performances of my works (that I know of) in England, America,New Zealand and Australia so far. Published works in UK and USA. Member of Music Arrangers Guild of Australia - National Executive all the very best - Jeff