Flavio Regis Cunha

Flavio Regis Cunha
AP. 11 B4
Flávio Régis Cunha is conductor, pianist, composer and teacher. Born in Iguatu, CE, he graduated in Marketing at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2001). He graduated from at State University of Campinas - Unicamp (2009) and holds a Master Degree in 'Education, Arts and History of Culture 'also by the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. In 2015 he joined Unesp's Post-graduate program in music (doctorate). He studied conducting with Carlos Fiorini, Eduardo Ostergren, Henrique Gregori, Hanz Peter Schulze (Germany), Parcival Módolo, Oswaldo Ferreira (Portugal) and Knut Andreas (Germany). His composition teachers were Denise Garcia and Sílvio Ferraz. As a composer, he produced several works for film and television. His most recent work was the original song for the short film "Dois Aquários" in 2007. The short film participated in Short Film Corner (Cannes 2007); 30th Guarnicê Festival (São Luís do Maranhão) and was selected for the 21st São Paulo Audiovisual Show. In 2009 he composed the Original Music for the short film "The Diary of Simonton", and the feature film "From Simonton to the present day", a documentary about the emergence of Presbyterianism in Brazil. In the field of classical music has realized compositions for orchestra of strings, of chamber and also for the symphonic formation. He is a resident composer at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. In 2015 he founded together with maestro Parcival Módolo the “Mackenzie University Orchestra”, where he acts as conductor and composer. In 2014 and 2016 he studied conducting with the Conductors Knut Andreas and Parcival Módolo in the cities of Potsdam and Berlin, where he worked with the Collegium Musicum Potsdam orchestras and the “Jugendsinfonieorchester” of the Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gymnasium in Berlin. That same year he traveled with the Mackenzie University Choir to Berlin, where his choral works and arrangements for choir and piano were performed at concerts at the Brazilian Embassy and at the Zwinglikirche and Lindenkirche churches in Berlin and at the Friedrichskirche church in Potsdam.