Away In A Manger (Alternative Melody)

For: Choir
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Away In A Manger (Alternative Melody)


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
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An alternative melody to Away In A Manger. Written for a childrens choir I play piano for. The Tenor Part is optional, as it is doubled in the left hand of the piano. Can be done without piano with SAT

Comments are always welcome, good or bad :)

Of course, there are more lyrics than I have added, one option is thus:

SOPRANOS: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky And stay by my cradle til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.

ALTOS: The herald angels sing, ?Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!?

By highest Heav?n adored; Christ the everlasting Lord; Late in time, behold Him come, Offspring of a virgin?s womb.

The, Desire of nations, come, Fix in us Thy humble home; Rise, the woman?s conqu?ring Seed, Bruise in us the serpent?s head.

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