ROSILAND - Orchestra (Waltz #1)

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ROSILAND - Orchestra (Waltz #1)


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Modern classical music
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Dedicated to my sweetheart forever - My Wife.

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Porque Nasci (That's Why I Was Born) - Piano - Calypso/Mambo, Para Sermos Santos - (For We Are Holy) - Orquestra, Para Sermos Santos (Melodia no Sax), Para Sermos Santos, Ben��o de Aar�o - The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Choir, MQV, Avante! (Go, MTW!) - Martial Hymn, Meu Amor � Tudo - (My Love Is All), Let's The Lord Glorify, Landmark of Victory, Justo, Amoroso e Compassivo, Jesus � A Solu��o, Jesus Te D� Vit�ria - (With lyrics), Jesus Te D� Vit�ria, I Was Born to Worship You, Lord, Hino A Miss�o Nova - Martial Hymn, Here Is The Groom - Piano Version., HC 433 - Sois Bem-vindos - Welcome (Wm. J. Kirkpatrick), For The One Who is Seated In the Throne - Strings & Piano, For The One Who is Seated In the Throne - Orchestra, 8th Mov. - The Wedding of the LAMB (rond�), For My Mother, For My Daddy - Study # 15, Eis o Noivo - (Here Is The Groom) - For Guitar and Keyboard, Doubl� de Crente (S�tira) - Marchinha, Para Sermos Santos - Coral (S� Vozes - Only Voices), Para Sermos Santos - Coral e Orquestra, Para Sermos Santos - Coral e Piano, Pensando Bem, RIDING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE (Cavalgando no Campo), Rosiland (Valsa) - Piano, Rumo Certo (The Right Direction) - Piano, Salmo 016 - Minha Heran�a - My Heritage (Choir - Coral), Salmo 016 - Minha Heran�a - My Heritage (Orquestra), Salmo 063 - Senhor Tu �s Meu Deus, Salmo 091 - Ref�gio e Fortaleza, Salmo 100 - Vamos Celebrar com J�bilo - Coral e Orquestra, Salmo 100 - Vamos Celebrar Com J�bilo - Orchestra (5:4), Salmo 121 - Elevo Os Meus Olhos, Santo � O Senhor (Holy Is The Lord) - Coral Somente, Santo � o Senhor (Holy Is The Lord ) - Orchestra, Santo � o Senhor (Holy Is The Lord) - Choir and Piano, Surrender (Entrega), Thankfulness (Canones) - Orchestra, The Wedding Ballad and Busquemos ao Senhor (Let's Seek The Lord)

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