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Bernard Hughes and his fianc?e, Kate, are due to be married in London on Saturday 21st February 2004. Those who have heard Bernard's music will know that he is a composer who takes his craft very seriously and whose work is stimulating, witty and probing. These same qualities will be evident to visitors to the SibMus Chat Page where his pithy, insightful postings are always thought-provoking. Those who have had the good fortune to meet Bernard know him to be excellent company indeed.
As a mark of our shared esteem and to celebrate the occasion of Bernard and Kate's wedding, four friends and fellow SibMus composers have joined forces to pen a Wedding Fanfare as a nuptial offering. We have followed the model of Bernard's own Fanfare, published on SibMus, and scored it for three trumpets and three trombones. Please join us in wishing Bernard and Kate every happiness now and for the future.
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