How much does it cost to be a Platinum Publisher?

There is a monthly subscription fee to pay to be a Platinum Publisher. The subscription fee is made up of a fixed monthly fee, and a small amount per applicable score.

The applicable scores are the ones you choose to promote as part of your subscription and that are for sale on Score Exchange. You can promote as many or as few of your scores as you like. Scores that are available for free will not receive additional promotion or contribute to the cost of your subscription. Your seller account has a ‘default’ option for your scores to be included or not, but you can override this default on a score-by-score basis as you wish.

The monthly subscription fee is determined by the maximum number of applicable scores that you had available in the previous 30 days.

Platinum publisher fixed fee: $2.50 per month.

Monthly cost
Scores 1-24$0.15 each
Scores 25-99$0.10 each
Scores 100+$0.03 each

These prices are in USD and exclude VAT. Customers in Europe will also need to pay VAT in the usual way.

Become a Platinum Publisher

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