Pricing your score and parts together

It’s generally a good idea to offer your scores and parts for sale together as a package.

This will:

1. Be easier for customers when there are a lot of parts available.

2. Make customers feel like they are getting a bargain.

There’s no requirement to make the total price for the score and parts any less than buying them all separately. We suspect that many customers will presume that it’s lower even if it’s exactly the same cost.

On the other hand, you might want to consider a lower score and parts price, especially in the case of any scores where a customer probably wouldn’t want *all* the parts, e.g. where there are optional or alternative parts.

To set prices for scores and parts:

  1. Visit the my scores page inside your Score Exchange account.
  2. Click “edit” to the right of the score you are pricing.
  3. Click the “selling” tab at the top.
  4. Under “selling this score” set a “price of score + set of parts“.
  5. Click “save changes“.
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