What currency will I be paid in?

By default sellers with an address in the United Kingdom will be paid in British Pounds, and sellers with an address in any other country will be paid in US Dollars.

You can manually set which currency you would like to be paid in using the My Account page.

What difference does it make?

PayPal will automatically convert any payment that we send to you into your local currency regardless of which currency we use to send the payment, so you will still receive your money regardless of the currency used.

Historically Score Exchange has always sent US Dollars to sellers and let PayPal handle the conversion into the right local currency. This is great for sellers who run their PayPal account in US Dollars. e.g. sellers who live in the United States. For everyone else, this means that you are at the mercy of the PayPal exchange rate on the day from US Dollars to your local currency.

Score Exchange is based in the United Kingdom, so it makes sense to pay sellers in the United Kingdom using British Pounds. PayPal doesn’t always have the best exchange rates available, so if you operate your PayPal account in British Pounds (as most sellers in the United Kingdom will do), you will probably end up slightly richer if we send you Pounds, rather then sending you Dollars and then having PayPal convert them into Pounds.

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