Frequently asked questions

Why did my music not print in the correct transposition?

You should be able to re-download the music in the transposition you require:
  1. Start off by visiting your My Purchases page
  2. Click the blue 'View / Print' button
  3. Click 'Change transposition' and choose the correct transposition for the score
  4. Click the download button

Why can't I print my purchase?

You can print your music from your My Purchases page.

How do I change my password?

To change the password for your Score Exchange account, you should use the Edit Account page.

The fields to set a new password are in the 'sign in details' section of the page near the top.

Why won't my ZIP file open on a Mac?

There seems to be a problem with the built-in zip file handling on the latest version of the OSX operating system on Mac computers.

If you see 'Error 79 - Inappropriate file type or format', this means that the built-in system can not open the zip file.

There are two solutions to this issue:

  1. Use The Unarchiver app instead of the built in utility.

    The Unarchiver is a free app that can be downloaded from the App store. It will correctly open all valid zip files.

  2. Download the files from Score Exchange individually as PDF files instead as a zip file:

    If you click through to the preview of the music, you can download each score and/or part, one at a time, from the music's preview page. Just use the 'download and print' option found just above the on-screen preview of the music. If you're downloading parts, you can find the list of parts below the on-screen preview of the relevant score.

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Contact information for Score Exchange



Score Exchange, Unit 20, Highlode Industrial Estate, Stocking Fen Road, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 2RB, United Kingdom

Company Info
Score Exchange is a trading name of ADAP Solutions Ltd.
Company number: 5022580
VAT Number: GB 892 4929 72