Bernardo Bernal

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Venezuelan music teacher, choir singer, composer, arranger and amateur violinist. Born in 1986 in Cantaura, Anzoátegui. He graduated from Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (2009) as Music Teacher. With a long career as a choir singer for more than 15 years, he has participated in numerous choral groups in the country as the University Choir “Juan Bautista Plaza” (2003), under the conduction of Michel Eustache V; He was a founding member of the vocal group “Claroscuro” (2003), under the conduction of Omar Simoza; Coral of the Faculty of Dentistry of Universidad Central de Venezuela (season 2008-2009), under the conduction of Jaime Garcia. He has participated in numerous workshops and festivals of choral music like the International Festival D'Canto in 2006 and 2009, receiving master classes with distinguished Venezuelan teachers as César Alejandro Carrillo and Rafael Silveira. He has also receiving master classes with teachers from other countries like Freddy Lafont (Cuba), Albert McNeil (USA) and Blas Emilio Atehortúa (Colombia).