Tony Matthews

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A pianist, composer, arranger and improviser, who is happiest sitting at a piano, playing whatever comes into his head.
Tastes in music are very wide however, I do have a slight preference for those that use sing-able melodies as their subjects with clear developments of those melodies.
Of late he has been writing music for a variety of adult ensembles and creating thoughtful and fun works for children and students alike for Archway Melodies.
Score catalogue
Can-can by Offenbach (rev 2019) - String quartet
Clementi : Sonatina Op36 No.1 - String quartet
Prelude in G minor . Op 28 No.22 - String quartet
Chopin: Prelude in E minor Op28 No.4 - String quartet
Prelude in D minor . Op 28 No.24 - String quartet
Clementi : Sonatina Op36 No.1 - String quartet
Chopin: Prelude in E minor Op28 No.4 - String quartet
Prelude in C minor . Op 28 No.20 - String quartet
Pachelbel's Musket in D - String orchestra
Pachelbel's Musket in D - String orchestra
Prelude in G minor . Op 28 No.22 - String quartet
Prelude in D minor . Op 28 No.24 - String quartet
Prelude in C minor . Op 28 No.20 - String quartet
Can-can by Offenbach (rev 2019) - String quartet
Brahms and Liszt - Duet of Pianos
Brahms and Liszt - Duet of Pianos
MYNA-Thoughts (Revised 2019) - Orchestra
Minitures - Solo instrument (Piano)
Minitures - Solo instrument (Piano)
MYNA-Thoughts (Revised 2019) - Orchestra
Kiddy Suite - Solo instrument (Piano)
One three two One Dance - Solo instrument (Piano)
Dish Rag - Solo instrument (Piano)
One three two One Dance - Solo instrument (Piano)
Dish Rag - Solo instrument (Piano)
Fur Elise (Easy Arrangment)... Fur Elise-ier (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Theanote Toccata - Solo instrument (Piano)
Fur Elise (Easy Arrangment)... Fur Elise-ier (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Raggy Rag - Solo instrument (Piano)
Lifted Lullaby - Solo instrument (Piano)
The Mists of Avalon - Solo instrument (Piano)
The Great Sorrow Waltz - Solo instrument (Piano)
Lifted Lullaby - Solo instrument (Piano)
Theanote Toccata - Solo instrument (Piano)
Johann's Level - Solo instrument (Piano)
Raggy Rag - Solo instrument (Piano)
Just Kidding - Solo Piano + piano
Schubert’s Toe Rag - Solo instrument (Piano)
12 Notes to the End of Time (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
The Mists of Avalon - Solo instrument (Piano)
Twinkle Variations - Solo instrument (Piano)
The Millener’s Chase - Solo instrument (Piano)
Mixit - Solo instrument (Piano)
Variations on a Theme by Kent Moore - Solo instrument (Piano)
The Great Sorrow Waltz - Solo instrument (Piano)
Punctuation (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Jingle VarBells - Solo instrument (Piano)
Jingle VarBells - Solo instrument (Piano)
Variations on a Theme by Kent Moore - Solo instrument (Piano)
Mixit - Solo instrument (Piano)
The Millener’s Chase - Solo instrument (Piano)
Johann's Level - Solo instrument (Piano)
Kiddy Suite - Solo instrument (Piano)
Schubert’s Toe Rag - Solo instrument (Piano)
Twinkle Variations - Solo instrument (Piano)
Just Kidding - Solo Piano + piano
12 Notes to the End of Time (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Punctuation (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
A Puppet Symphony - Orchestra
A Puppet Symphony - Orchestra
Resolution "D" - Orchestra
Resolution "D" - Orchestra
The Drifter - Orchestra
Impossible - Orchestra
Harpsichord Concerto No.1 - String orchestra
Gaudete - Orchestra
Night on a Bare Mountain - Orchestra
The Drifter - Orchestra
Mini-Me-List - Orchestra
Hot Potato 2005 - Orchestra
Harpsichord Concerto No.1 - String orchestra
Instances (A ballet in 6-7 minutes) - Orchestra
Grieg's Lyric Pieces Op12. - arranged for strings - String orchestra
Night on a Bare Mountain - Orchestra
Grieg's Lyric Pieces Op12. - arranged for strings - String orchestra
Gaudete - Orchestra
Impossible - Orchestra
Mini-Me-List - Orchestra
Instances (A ballet in 6-7 minutes) - Orchestra
Hot Potato 2005 - Orchestra
The Lord's Prayer - Voice + keyboard
We three Kings of Orient are (Interlude) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Prime Time - Large mixed ensemble
We three Kings of Orient are (Interlude) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Prime Time - Large mixed ensemble
Gaudete - English Translation - Choir
Gaudete - English Translation - Choir
The Lord's Prayer - Voice + keyboard
Purcell's Ship-board Hornpipe - Large mixed ensemble
Greensleeves - Large mixed ensemble
Manju - Large mixed ensemble
Greensleeves - Large mixed ensemble
Haiku Variations - Large mixed ensemble
Manju - Large mixed ensemble
Haiku Variations - Large mixed ensemble
Purcell's Ship-board Hornpipe - Large mixed ensemble
Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King (Clarinet Trio) - Trio of Clarinets in Bb
Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King (Clarinet Trio) - Trio of Clarinets in Bb
Hashi Venu - (Key: D minor) - Voice + keyboard
Hashi Venu - (Key: D minor) - Voice + keyboard
Tuba Speed Wrap (B-flat Tuba) - Solo Bass in Bb + piano
Tuba Speed Wrap (B-flat Tuba) - Solo Bass in Bb + piano
Nano-Cosmos - Solo instrument (Piccolo)
Dreamscape (2) - Solo instrument (Flute)
Dreamscape (2) - Solo instrument (Flute)
Toot Suite - Solo Flute + piano
Dream Scape - Solo instrument (Flute)
Dreamscape Suite - Solo Flute + piano
Toot Suite - Solo Flute + piano
Dreamscape Suite - Solo Flute + piano
Dream Scape - Solo instrument (Flute)
Nano-Cosmos - Solo instrument (Piccolo)
Kollision Kaleidoscope - Quartet of Solo Violins
Kollision Kaleidoscope - Quartet of Solo Violins
The Trip - Solo Solo Violin + piano
The Trip - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Minuet and Trio in D major for Violin and Piano - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Minuet and Trio in D major for Violin and Piano - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (C minor - F) - Brass quintet
Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Bb minor - Eb) - Brass quartet
Pictures at an Exhibition (Tr-Eb, Tr-Bb, Hn-F, Trb, Tba-C) - Brass quartet
Pictures at an Exhibition: Tr-Bb/Picc, Tr-Bb, Hn-F, Trb, Tba-C - Brass quartet
Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (C minor - F) - Brass quintet
Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Bb minor - Eb) - Brass quartet
Pictures at an Exhibition (Tr-Eb, Tr-Bb, Hn-F, Trb, Tba-C) - Brass quartet
Pictures at an Exhibition: Tr-Bb/Picc, Tr-Bb, Hn-F, Trb, Tba-C - Brass quartet
Flight of the Bumble Bee - Quartet of Tubas
Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King (Tuba Quartet) - Quartet of Tubas
Winter (1st Movement) arr Brass Trio - Brass trio
Twinkle Variations (Arr. Tuba Quartet) - Brass quartet
Puck. Grieg Op.71 No.3 (Arr Tuba Quartet) - Brass quartet
Winter (3rd Movement) arr Brass Trio - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Winter (2nd Movement) arr Brass Trio - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Pictures at an Exhibition: The Gnome - Quartet of Tubas
Flight of the Bumble Bee - Quartet of Tubas
Vivaldi's WInter for Brass (Tr, Hn, Tb) - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Pictures at an Exhibition: Great Gate of Kiev - Quartet of Tubas
Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King (Tuba Quartet) - Quartet of Tubas
Pictures at an Exhibition: Baba Yaga - Quartet of Tubas
Vivaldi's WInter for Brass (Tr, Eu, Tb) - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Puck. Grieg Op.71 No.3 (Arr Tuba Quartet) - Brass quartet
Fanfare for Brass - Sextet of Trumpets in Bb
Vivaldi's WInter for Brass (Tr, Hn, Tb) - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Vivaldi's WInter for Brass (Tr, Eu, Tb) - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Fanfare for Brass - Sextet of Trumpets in Bb
Twinkle Variations (Arr. Tuba Quartet) - Brass quartet
Winter (1st Movement) arr Brass Trio - Brass trio
Winter (3rd Movement) arr Brass Trio - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Winter (2nd Movement) arr Brass Trio - Trio of Trumpets in Bb
Pictures at an Exhibition: Baba Yaga - Quartet of Tubas
Pictures at an Exhibition: Great Gate of Kiev - Quartet of Tubas
Pictures at an Exhibition: The Gnome - Quartet of Tubas
AGM (Annual General Meeting for Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Asturias (Leyenda) by Albéniz: (Orchestrated) - Orchestra
Beethoven - Choral Fantasia Op80 arr. Piano Quintet - String quartet
Birdy Networking - Quartet of Flutes
Birthday Thoughts (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Cancer of Corruption - Orchestra
Capriol by Peter Warlock (arr. Cello Quartet) - Quartet of Violoncellos
Capriol by Peter Warlock (arr. Viola Quartet) - Quartet of Violas
Capriol by Peter Warlock (Viola Quartet) - Quartet of Violas
Carol of the Bells: A Short Fantasy - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Deternity - Solo Clarinet in Bb + piano
Edward German: Three Dances from Henry VIII - Orchestra
Flute Sonata No.1: "Fly Now, Strong and Free" (Flute & Piano) - "Fly Now, Strong and Free - Solo Flute + piano
Harpsichord Concerto No.2 - String quartet
Harpsichord Concerto No.3 - Large mixed ensemble
Hashi Venu - (Key: C minor) - Voice + keyboard
Hot Potato 2009 - String quartet
In Celebration of Learning (Picc, 2Fl, 2Ob, 2Cl, 2Bs, 4Hns, 2Tr, 2Tb, BTb/Tba), Timp, Cym, Tri, Strings) - Orchestra
Innocence. (Oboe, Piano & String Quintet) - String quintet
Layers (Orchestra) - Orchestra
More Songs for a Chinese New Year (Violin Ensemble) - String orchestra
Overture per il Sisio (Chamber Orchestra) - Orchestra
Overture to "La Siemaylio" (Classical Orchestra) - Orchestra
Passacaglic Conversations for Solo Percussion and Orchestra - Percussion ensemble (unpitched)
Petite Pièce for Clarinet and Piano arr. Violin and Piano - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Pucky - Large mixed ensemble
Punctuation "B" (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Satie: Gnossienne 1890 - arr. Treble Instrument and Piano - Solo Oboe + piano
Satie: Gnossienne 1890 - arr. B-Flat Instrument and Piano - Solo Clarinet in Bb + piano
Satie: Gnossienne 1890 - arr. Bass Instrument and Piano - Solo Violoncello + piano
Schubert: Trout Quintet - arr. for Standard Piano Quintet - String quintet
Six Bar Sonatinette - Piano Solo - Solo instrument (Piano)
Something Else (Flute and piano) - Solo Flute + piano
Sonata in F for Clarinet, Cello and Piano - Piano trio
Sorrento, Serenade for Strings (For String Quartet) - String quartet
String Quartet No. 1 - String quartet
String Quartet No. 1 (2 Violins, Viola, Cello) - String quartet
Symphonies of Reeds - Large Double Reed Ensemble - Double reed ensemble
The Ballade of Grosso the Goth - Orchestra
The Dark Waltz (for String Quintet or String Orchestra) - String orchestra
The Depths - Choir
The Gibraltarian (Violin & Piano) - Solo Solo Violin + piano
The Guide (Alpine Horn in F# and Quadruple Winds) - Woodwind choir
The Meeting (for Alto Flute and Trombone) - Concert band / wind band
The Waiting - Violin Quartet - String quartet
Three Five - String orchestra
Three Sketches (Solo Alto Flute, Flute and Piccolo) - Solo instrument (Flute)
To the Yee Haw (String Quintet & String Orchestra) - String orchestra
Triads - Duet of Pianos
Tuba Train (Euphonium / Tuba & Piano) - Solo Euphonium in C [bass clef] + piano
Tuesday's Jig (Violin & Piano) - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Violin Sonata No. 2 - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Violin Sonata No. 2 (Violin & Piano) - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Violin Sonata No. 3 (Violin & Piano) - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Violin Sonata No.1 - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Welcome to my Facebook Page (2Fl, 2Ob, 2Cl, 2Bs, 3Hn, 3Tr, 3Tb, Tba, Timp, Cym, Strings) - Orchestra
White Van Overture (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
White Van Theme (Piano Solo) - Solo instrument (Piano)
Winter Together (Violin and Piano) - Solo Solo Violin + piano
Winter Together, Version 1 (Clarinet in Bb and Piano) - Solo Clarinet in Bb + piano
Winter Together, Version 3 (Double-Bass (Cello) and Piano) - Solo Double Bass + piano