Antavius S. Flagg

United States of America
Hello everyone! I suppose this is where I tell a little about myself for those interested. Well, currently I am a junior psychology major at the University of Memphis, in Memphis, Tn. I have not had any formal music training with the exception of a piano class in high school and a few half-hearted piano lessons in college. I consider composing to be a fun, relaxing, and enjoyable pastime. Therefore, I would really appreciate it if you could leave me a review on any aspect of my scores–-or, ir any piece gets performed, please inform me of any remarks.
As of now, I have no rewards relating to music. But as academics go, I, along with my fellow teammates, were the 2004 Academic Decathlon regional, state, and National champions. Hopefully, in the future there will be come music awards to post :-)