Allen Blodgett

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United States of America

Hi! I’m Allen. I’m passionate about so many things. Where in the world do I begin? First off, I’m 19, almost 20. I was born and raised in Appleton, WI, a big little city of about 75,000 people or so. I’ve been thinking about running for mayor in the future.. I’ve been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or Mormon Church) all my life. I love it. I love being a member of this church, I don’t even want to know where I’d be with out the church in my life. I currently serve as the branch executive secretary in the Young Singles Adult branch here in Northeastern WI & I am the branch’s one and only organist (this leads into another thing about my life). Due to my weight, I am currently not able to serve a proselyting mission for the Church. Despite this, I will still be able to go on a mission. I will be serving a mission for the Church as a church-service missionary, at the Global Service Center in Salt Lake City, UT. I’ve been playing piano, especially organ for longer than my memory serves me. I enjoy doing this, it is a very rewarding and satisfying hobby. I play the organ for my congregation almost every Sunday. I have been playing in church settings for almost 6 years, and I never get tired of it. The best memory of playing any organ would be playing the Conference Center organ back in 2007, I’m sure glad that the auditorium was practically empty, or I would have freaked out. I currently sing in the MacDowell Male Chorus of Appleton, WI. I sing first tenor, something I’ve been doing for over 8 years. I love singing the high notes. In my spare time, I like to tweet, use technology, and post to my semi-humorous blog Life According to Me.