Edward Hudson

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United States of America

Welcome to my web-home. My name is Ed Hudson; for as long a I can remember I have had music swirling in my head, and I am greatful for the opprtunity to get some of it out through the magic of Sibelius Publishing. I am a music teacher, and I have had many bands over the years. I started playing the bugle at age eight, and have been involved in music in one form or another ever since. I began composing after I graduated from The Arlington Academy of Music in Arlington, Massachusetts, but found myself doing many other things along the way. I am once again bitten with the bug and tuned in. I hope to present many offerings from the various styles of music that excite me as they find their way into my head and through my heart.I hope to hear from you, as you must have the same wonderful affliction. Always interested in comments, ideas, and your musical adventure. Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Best wishes, Ed