hayg boyadjian

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Mr. hayg boyadjian
43 fern st
United States of America

Hayg Boyadjian, Grammy Nominee Composer, was born in 1938 in Paris, France. He started his musical studies at the Liszt Conservatory, in Buenos Aires. In 1958 he immigrated to the USA. In the USA he continued his musical studies as a special student first at the New England Conservatory and later at Brandeis University. Among his teachers were Beatriz Balzi (student of Alberto Ginastera, with whom Boyadjian had several consulting meetings), Seymour Shifrin, Alvin Lucier, and Edward Cohen.

He has composed a large number of works from chamber to symphonic. Many of his compositions have been performed throughout the world. Some of his chamber and symphonic compositions are recorded on the following CD labels: Living Music; Society of Composers Recordings; North/South Consonance Recordings; Opus One Recordings; and Albany Records.

He is a member of the Composers' Union of Armenia, ASCAP, Society of Composers, the MacDowell Colony, and others. His name is found in the Who's Who in American Music, the International Who's Who in Music. He has received awards from ASCAP, Meet the Composer, the Lexington Arts Council-MA, the New England Foundation-Meet the Composer, the Fiftieth Anniversary Commission Project-American Music Center, and others.

Contact Mr. Boyadjian for parts to any of his scores.

Score catalogue