Jennifer Castleton

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United States of America

I have participated in music all of my life. I began learning piano at the age of six, and continued on up though high school. For the last seven years of that time, I participated in Piano Guild, preparing a Nationalist program for six of them. I played pieces by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Grieg, Schubert, Debussy, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky, along with many other composers. While I did not major or minor in music, I made sure to include it in my college education by completing many music courses including private piano lessons from faculty of the music program at BYU, organ lessons, and choir.

Additionally, in my early teenage years, I participated in marching band playing the clarinet, and have taught myself some of the basics of guitar. I have also participated in singing lessons and choral singing all of my life. Music definitely has a special place in my life, bringing to it an added sense of joy and appreciation.