Jeri Lynn Crosby

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United States of America

I work/play as a music educator (curriculum specialist, mentor, trainer, collaborator, supervisor) in Utah Valley. I've enjoyed making music for as long as I can remember, beginning with anything that made sound and continuing with my voice and any instrument I could get my hands on, especially violin and piano.

I appreciate my many opportunities to teach music to (and learn from) my students, including pre-school through college students and professional educators. Experiences throughout my career have reinforced the importance of early, engaging and joyful music education, and this is where I choose to focus my passion for music and teaching at this point. I have composed music over the past 20 years for community, church and school settings, including a commissioned piece for symphony.

My intent in creating this home page is to share materials I develop for students and teachers in an accessible and affordable format. Feedback is always appreciated.