Masaki Matsuoka

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I was born in Nagoya in 1964. I spent a boyhood in Chigasaki that is called "Shonan" until I graduated senior high school. Chigasaki is a summer resort that is the most famous in the suburbs of Tokyo. In addition, Chigasaki has the very beautiful seaside.

At that time, I liked to draw oil painting and belonged to art club in my senior high school days. I just only enjoyed to listening to music while drawing pictures. I liked the opus of Beethoven and listened to almost his music.

After having sent pleasant senior high school life, I lived in Hachioji of Tokyo in order to study an international public law at Soka University. Six years later, I could get master's degree.

During my university student days, I enjoyed drawing pictures as ever. And I met Mr. Kanakubo who became an especial friend. He was too a member of our university art club. Our good friendly relationship continued for a long time till he died.

When he became 33 years old, he was attacked by large bowel cancer. His only pleasure was to listen to music in bed everyday after an extraction operation of the large bowel cancer was performed.

Therefore I thought about what would be a pleasure most for him. Then I began to compose music for him, educating myself, for the first time. And then, I often went to his home in Yokohama whenever I made a new opus.

After he listened to my music, he said to me, "Probably, nobody feels good your melody because you do not know well the theory of music" . He taught me basics of music theory immediately. I studied music hard from then on.

However, he died peacefully in the next year. And he was seen off at the funeral service by many friends. When I met him last, he said to me, "I want you to become a true composer."

Time of ten years passed after starting music composition. I continue working on composition now since I finish work every night. I wish to give every people courage and hope and an ease through my opus.

My work relates to city maintenance administration at Nakano city office in Tokyo.

I hope you will enjoy my music.