Mark Newlon

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Hello and thanks for dropping by! I am a full-time Director of Music at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church in Redford, Michigan. This means that I play organ and piano as well as direct choirs, train cantors, and mop the floor when it gets dirty. My philosophy of church choral music is simple: it must be treated with the same care and intentionality as any other piece of worship – the homily/sermon, the prayers, the hymns, the liturgical responses. It should reflect the sacred nature of worship while being accessible to the entire congregation; and it should spiritually nourish both the heart and the mind. When I'm not making music with friends, I enjoy photography, travel, watching sports on TV, and spending time with my wife, Sharon and son, Brian. If you happen to find any of my music useful, please drop me a line and let me know.

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