Samuel Krähenbühl

Mr Samuel Krähenbühl
Rua Uirapuru, 1335
Cond. Recanto dos Pássaros
Engenheiro Coelho
Samuel Krähenbühl, M.Mus, composer, conductor, violinist and violist from Brazil. As composer, had some of his works presented for the UNICAMP Symphonic Orchestra, The Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra , Paraíba Youth Orchestra, Americana Symphony Orchestra, UNICAMP Brass Quintet, University Adventist Orchestra – Campus EC and Campus HT, Ernest Mahle String Quartet. As arranger and conductor participated from more than 100 CDs and DVDs, recorded by Brazilian orchestras, and orchestras from Indianapolis (USA), Dallas (USA), Los Angeles (USA) Prague (Ceszk Republic), Budapest (HUN) and St. Petesburg (RUS) Todat He teaches Violin, Viola, Conducting, Composing and Music History in UNASP (Brazilian Adventist University), also the principal conductor of Camerata UNASP.