Setrak Sterakian

Mr Setrak Sterakian
Secteur 5, Rue 91, Imm.251, Jdeidet el metn/Boushrieh
Setrak Setrakian, Composer&Pianist, Former Director of Ganatchian Music College/Beirut, Professor of Piano, Harmony and Composition,
Music Education: 1950-1960 I have studied piano, solfege, theory and harmony with Prof. Ernest Chouha in "Ernest Chouha" Music College in Aleppo.
1961-1962 I have studied piano, harmony with Prof. T. Succar, Mrs. Turkiyeh and Prof. Michel Tcheskinov in the National Conservatoire of Lebanon.
1962-1964 I have studied in the National Conservatoire of Damascus harmony and composition with Prof. Sergey Schydril.
1964-1965 I have studied piano and composition with Prof. Gunther Kohl in Jerusalem.
1966-1970 In Aleppo and Damascus I have given lessons of piano and harmony.
1971-1972 I have been invited to "Komitas" Conservatoire of Yerevan to specialize with the following professors:
1) Etvart Mirzoyan Composition
2) Etvart Baghdasarian Harmony
3) Krikor Hakhinian Polyphony
4) Kevork Armenian Orchestration
5) Elenora Atamian Piano
6) Aved Derderian Opera Composition
1974-1978 I was professor of piano in College Mont la Salle, Ain Saadeh Beirut.
1978-1980 I was professor of piano in College des Apotre, Jounieh Beirut.
1980-1985 Professor of piano in Beirut. (personal lessons)
1985-1988 Professor of piano and music in the Armenian Theological Seminary of the Catholicosate of Cilicia Beirut.
1986-1987 Professor of piano and harmony in P. Ganatchian Music College, Beirut.
1987 -1999 Director and Professor of piano, harmony, composition, and music analysing, in P. Ganatchian Music College, Beirut.
N.B. In 1994 I have been awarded by the Catholicos KAREKINE II of Cilicia,the medal of honor St. "MESROB MACHDOTZ".