Timothy Pascoe

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United States of America

Born in 1962 I grew up in The Salvation Army. A fifth generation salvationist and the son of Salvation Army Officers. Music played an important role in my life starting with my musical education through the local SA Corps eventually becoming a soloist on Euphonium and Trombone. Today I am a Major in The Salvation Army serving in Des Plaines, IL.

I studied music at the University of Minnesota Duluth. I have served as a bandmaster, deputy bandmaster, and divisional youth bandmaster for The Salvation Army. My influences in composition are famed writers Eric Ball, James Curnow, William Himes, William Broughton as well as many others through the years. I have performed as a soloist on Euphonium and Trombone and enjoy the music of Brass bands in particular, although I have also played in big bands and orchestra's.

Please take a look at my featured score and let me know what you think! If you decide to perform one of my works I would enjoy hearing from you. Maybe you could send along a program or a recording of your performance. I would love to hear your group.

Composition is something I enjoy and continue to strive to improve. Any comments to help my writing are appreciated.
