Montgomery Zzyzx

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United States of America

Here it says "In your biography you may want to include details about your education, musical activities and influences, details of awards won, and so on." Well, I'll start with my education. My nickname is Montgomery Zzyzx, and I am a 9th Grade student attending Hercules Middle High School, in Hercules, CA. I have just turned 14 three days ago from when I am creating this page. My music teacher's name is Mrs. Calonico. However she is still an inspiring teacher.

Musical activities and influences: I obviously compose music during my spare time. I play the viola in my school's orchestra, and I take private piano lessons at home.

Details of awards I have won: I have won one award for "Musical Excellence" in the June of 2007. This was because my class thought that I am a good player, and they like my piece, which was performed at the last concert of the 2006-2007 school year.

And so on: I like Algebra, Geometry, and Physical science. I also like to ski. One of my friends said that I should play the violin while skiing and jumping off a cliff, and finish playing a piece when I land. It is interesting and dangerous, but still interesting…

If anyone bothered to read all of that would like to find out more information, you can go to on my Guestbook, or e-mail me.