15 "Surprise!" from "The Enemy Decimator"

For: Orchestra
page one of 15 "Surprise!" from "The Enemy Decimator"

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15 "Surprise!" from "The Enemy Decimator"


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
1 minute
Modern classical music
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My first real movie score! "Feinddezimierer" ("The Enemy Decimator") is an hommage to all action B-movies from the eighties, while being highly entertaining by itself. The highly ambitious project was realized by the three Henze-brothers who were searching for the right music and met me. The final result is nothing to be embarrassed of! About this piece:

In a very surprising plot twist the bad guys' boss reappears for a short time before disappearing down a staircase very quickly in an unhealthy manner.

You can listen to the whole score in high quality mp3's and support me by buying a CD on my website: www.abovethestaff.net

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