Responsorial Psalm - Lent - Week 3, Yr. C

For: Voice + keyboard
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Responsorial Psalm - Lent - Week 3, Yr. C


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Year of composition
Psalm 103
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
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This was the first psalm I programmed into Sibelius. It was March, 2004, and a generous relative of mine tithed part of an inheritance she recieved to us. Among other things, with it we bought this computer and I bought Sibelius. And the rest is history, as they say. So now it's three years later, and I'm happy to say that all of the main psalms from the three lectionary cycles have been programmed in. Hard work? Totally. And I'm still not completely finished, because they all now need to be proofread and edited if need be. But I feel like it's an intregal part of my life's work. And now this is the fun part, sharing it with you!

God bless!

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