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My best friend’s a vegan
No dairy eggs or meat
He won’t wear no leather
Not even on his feet
Never frying bacon
Never smoked a brisket
But he can’t resist a Big Ass Biscuit
Brother’s in the Army
Yeah He’s a green beret
Doesn’t like the captain
He Doesn’t like the pay
So I had to ask him
Why he reenlisted
Cause they promised him a Big Ass Biscuit
Big Ass Biscuit
Sausage gravy
Big Ass Biscuit
Drive me crazy
Big Ass Biscuit
Butter and jam
Big Ass Biscuit
Thank you mann
When I was in Ireland
Went to the Blarney Stone
I can’t talk to ladies
That’s why I’m all alone
Get the gift of gab they
Said you should have kissed it
Say shut up and eat yo Big Ass Biscuit
Big Ass Biscuit
Sausage gravy
Big Ass Biscuit
Drive me crazy
Big Ass Biscuit
Butter and jam
Big Ass Biscuit
Thank you mann
I shop at Ikea
I build it all myself
They say self assembly
Is real good for your health
Ev’ry bolt was tightened
Ev’ry screw was twisted
There’s a place to rest my Big Ass Biscuit
Big Ass Biscuit
Sausage gravy
Big Ass Biscuit
Drive me crazy
Big Ass Biscuit
Butter and jam
Big Ass Biscuit
Thank you mann
Big Ass Biscuit
Sausage gravy
Big Ass Biscuit
Drive me crazy
Big Ass Biscuit
Butter and jam
Big Ass Biscuit
Thank you mann
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