Fantasie -Das leere Blatt-, Fantasy -The Empty Page-

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
page one of Fantasie -Das leere Blatt-, Fantasy -The Empty Page-

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Fantasie -Das leere Blatt-, Fantasy -The Empty Page-


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
6 minutes
Classical music
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Leere Seite means Empty Page, perhaps a sheet of music. This Fantasy describes someone who is searching on the Empty Page. A semibreve, a half note? Searching for things he has searched for long times before. Reaching the end of the page, not having found he has been searching for, laughing defiantly, turning round, stomping along and searching for a new disoriented aim on the white shadow of the white paper. The Fantasy drags him in, twirls round and round, leads him to new horizons and outlines clearly the way back to her - Fantasy. The act of fate?

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