Minor Mishap

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Minor Mishap


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
2 minutes
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Written for particular members of Epsom Children's Orchestra aged 9 to 13, varying in attainment from complete beginner (double bass) to grades 4 (clarinet) and 5 (piano). First performed publicly on 27 June 2001 (using the solos as written here). Structurally and harmonically very simple: a repeated 8-bar pattern of alternating bars of A-minor and B-diminished (or E7flat9). After intro and simple theme, sax, clarinet, piano and flute each have an 8-bar "improvisation" before restatement of the theme and ending. The pianist is encouraged to vary the rhythm and voicing of the right-hand chords; the drummer to improvise fill-ins every 8th bar.

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