PSALM 125 耶和华子民的安全 The Security of God’s People

For: Choir + orchestra
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PSALM 125 耶和华子民的安全 The Security of God’s People




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Year of composition
PSALM 125 《诗篇》125
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
2 minutes
Classical music
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PSALM 39 受苦者的认罪 The Confession of a Sufferer, PSALM 9 称颂耶和华的公义 Thanksgiving to God for His Justice, PSALM 17 无辜人的祷告 The Prayer of an Innocent Person, PSALM 85 为国求福 A Prayer for the Nation’s Welfare, PSALM 48 锡安--神的城 Zion,the City of God, PSALM 114 逾越节之歌 A Passover song, PSALM 124 神是他子民的保护着 God the Protector of His People, PSALM 60 求主解救 A Prayer for Deliverance, PSALM 64 求主保护 A Prayer for Protection, PSALM 137 以色列人被掳的哀歌 A Lament of Israelites in Exile, PSALM 21 为胜利而歌颂 Praise for Victory, PSALM 61 求主保佑 A Prayer for Protection, PSALM 138 感恩的祷告 A Prayer of Thanksgiving, PSALM 141 哀求脱离恶人网罗 An Evening Prayer (Prayer for Preservation Evil), PSALM 99 神是至高之王 God the Supreme King, PSALM 41 病中祈祷 A Prayer in Sickness, PSALM 84 渴慕耶和华的殿宇 Longing for God’s House, PSALM 142 求主眷顾 A Praise for Help, PSALM 111 赞美耶和华 In Praise of the Lord, PSALM 58 求神罚恶 A Prayer for God to Punish the Wicked, PSALM 52 神的审判和恩惠 God’Judgment and Grace, PSALM 76 神是胜利者 God the victor, PSALM 19 造化的荣耀 God’Glory in Creation, PSALM 16 为信心稳固而祈祷 A Prayer of Confidence, PSALM 56 信靠神的祈祷 A Prayer of Trust in God, PSALM 75 神是审判者 God the Judge, PSALM 36 恶人的罪孽 Human Wickedness, PSALM 92 颂赞之诗 A Song of Praise, PSALM 46 神与我们同在 God Is with Us, PSALM 122 耶路撒冷颂 In Praise of Jerusalem, PSALM 30 感恩的祷告 A Prayer of Thanksgiving, PSALM 53 愚顽人的罪恶 Human Wickedness, PSALM 29 神的威荣 The Voice of the LORD in the Storm, PSALM 24 荣耀的王 The Great King, PSALM 28 求主帮助 A Prayer for Help, PSALM 26 义人的祈祷 The Prayer of a Good Person, PSALM 10 为公义而祈祷 A Prayer for Justice, PSALM 82 神是最高的主宰 God the Supreme Ruler, PSALM 54 遭敌迫害求主保护 A Prayer for Protection from Enemies, PSALM 47 至高的主宰 The Supreme Ruler, PSALM 130 求助的祈祷 A Prayer for Help, PSALM 98 神掌管世界 God the Ruler of the world, PSALM 129 求耶和华退敌 A Prayer against Israel’ Enemies, PSALM 120 求主恩助 A Prayer for Help, PSALM 12 求助的祈祷 A Prayer for Help, PSALM 20 祈求胜利 A Prayer for Victory, PSALM 110 耶和华及其所选之王 The LORD and His King, PSALM 70 求助的祈祷 A Prayer for Help, PSALM 126 归回者的欢乐 A Harvest of Joy, PSALM 128 敬畏耶和华者有福 The Reward of 0bedience to the LORD, PSALM 100 颂赞之诗 A Hymn of Praise, PSALM 67 感恩的诗 A Song of Thanksgiving, PSALM 127 称颂神的良善 In Praise of God’s Goodness, PSALM 123 求主怜悯 A Prayer for Mercy, PSALM 133 兄弟相爱颂 When Brothers Dwell in Uniti, PSALM 15 得居圣山者的品行 Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill?, PSALM 112 义人之福 The Happiness of a Good Person, PSALM 146 赞美耶和华的救助 In Praise of God the Savior, PSALM 134 当称颂主 A Call to Praise God, PSALM 32 认罪与蒙赦 Confession and Forgiveness, PSALM 5 求主保护 A Praise for Protection, PSALM 8 神的荣耀和人的尊贵 God’Glory and Human Dignity, PSALM 4 求助的晚祷 Evening Praise for Help, PSALM 3 求助的晨祷 Morning Prayer for Help, PSALM 2 神所拣选的君王 God’Chosen King, PSALM 6 患难中求助的祈祷 O Lord,Deliver My Life, PSALM 87 锡安颂 The Joy of Living in Zion, PSALM 131 谦卑靠主 Song of Quiet Trust, PSALM 148 宣召万有赞美耶和华 Praise for God’s Universal Glory, PSALM 23 耶和华是我的牧者 The Lord Is My Shepherd, PSALM 117 赞美耶和华 In Praise of the Lord, PSALM 1 弃恶从善必蒙福The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked, PSALM 147 赞美神的全能 In Praise of God the Almighty, PSALM 14 愚顽人的罪恶 Denunciation of Godlessness, PSALM 149 赞美的圣诗 A Hymn of Praise, PSALM 150 赞美耶和华 Let Everything Praise The Lord, PSALM 11 在主里得安稳 Confidence in the Lord, PSALM 95 颂赞之诗 A Song of Praise, PSALM 7 求耶和华坚立义人 In You Do I Take Refuge and PSALM 121 耶和华是我们的保护者 The LORD Our Protector

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