String Quartet in D Minor

For: String quartet
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String Quartet in D Minor


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Modern classical music
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I only wrote this piece for my A Level composition, so it's not exactly great, but still, not being an amazing musician in anyway, I was very pleased with myself for being able to write it… I think there's a couple of 'bad' parts, but working on it has ceased, so this has ended up being the final version. I know it sounds a bit jumpy from section to section, and I would love to elaborate each one and make it longer, if time allowed, but for this particular thing it had to be under 3 minutes (3:04…).

Although maybe just an amateur with no real interest in becoming a composer, apart from for my own enjoyment, if it is possible, if you print off my work, then, just for my own interest, could you tell me why or who you are, but that is not a necessity, just politeness. Feedback is also much welcomed! Thanks.

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