Terribilis (11.28.90)

For: Sextet of Flutes
page one of Terribilis (11.28.90)

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Terribilis (11.28.90)




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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
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Terribilis (11.28.90) is a "flute band" music by the American jazz flutist, Jeremy Steig (1942-2016). He composed quite a few flute ensemble pieces between the 1980s and his death in Japan in 2016. He recorded them by overdubbing at his own home studio. This is one of the pieces that were also written out on paper. It originally had only the date (in the parentheses) at the top. The tune was named later for the purpose of publishing based on one of the illustrations he had done for his flute band, Jeremy Steig and the Terribilis (See the icon image for this tune) in which he is playing the flute in an empty bottle with the frogs playing the bottles as drums. Jeremy had once explained that the frogs were supposed to be golden poison frogs (phyllobates terribilis). Terribilis translates to "frightful" or "dreadful" in English, which is fitting for the feeling this piece evokes. The mp3 file features Steig's improvised solos and bottle percussion.

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