Brendan Gordon

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United States of America

I was born in Sept. 1981, and graduated in May 2004 with a degree in chemistry and applied music from the University of Idaho, in May 2007, a master's degree in music (composition and piano performance) from Idaho in May 2010, and a master's in geography from Idaho in May 2014.

Music has always been a talent and passion of mine, and I started composing my first piece – a piano concerto – in the winter of 1998-99. I play piano as my main instrument, and also viola or violin. In May 2003 I won the Spokane Musicfest's Young Artist Award in piano and played the first movement of Mozart's Piano Concerto K. 491 with the Spokane Symphony, which was quite an exciting experience. My favorite composers include Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Dvorak, Grieg, and Rachmaninoff. Piano being my main instrument also explains my preference for piano concertos over symphonies!

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