John Buckwalter

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United States of America

My education summary includes a B.S. in Education, an M.S. in Music Education, and a J.D. in law. I taught 14 years in secondary education in Pennsylvania, was in middle management in quality control administration with the Hughes Aircraft Co. in Tucson, AZ, took early retirement and entered law school in the state of Washington and subsequently served as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, a Special Prosecuting Attorney, and an Administrative Appeals Judge. I am now retired. During all those years I was active in the field of music, as a teacher, some solo work, a lot of choral direction, church choirs and also my own small choral group in Tucson, and in composition. I was fortunate to have one number published some years ago by Flammer. Since then I have done little in the way of submitting compositions. Because in my teaching career I saw the need for numbers that would interest students, much of my compositions are directed at medium ability groups and individuals. However, my music is more in the traditional, romantic style with very little in the way of intricate rhythms and complex chords.

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