Richard Zola

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United States of America

Richard Zola (1995 - Present) has inspired many people throughout his life. Starting on violin at age 2, and piano at age 5, Richard Zola has inspired many people in present day to play and learn music.

Richard Zola is currently published with MEdioNoche Publications, but publishes his livlier and harder works by his self, and rents the rights out.

Richard Zola currently is composing two works for various organizations. He is composing a festive overture for the Joliet Township Alumni Band, and also a contemporary piece of music for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Richard Zola is well known for his modern classical music style, and the urge to finish musical works well ahead of schedule.

"Mr. Richard Zola writes in a dramatic-modern style, and writes in an extraordinary style." Jordyn Wallace, head of audio affairs at MedioNoche Publications.