Balades dans Paris 3. Passepied Pigalle avec Pirouettes Pyramides et Pavane Parmentier

For: Solo Solo Violoncello + piano
page one of Balades dans Paris 3. Passepied Pigalle avec Pirouettes Pyramides et Pavane Parmentier

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Balades dans Paris 3. Passepied Pigalle avec Pirouettes Pyramides et Pavane Parmentier


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
5 minutes
Modern classical music
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BALADES DANS PARIS (Suite m�tropolitaine) consists of a series of musical impressions gained during a very happy trip to Paris my wife and I took in the spring of 2006. The idea of writing for cello and piano came from a chance meeting with a cellist's fianc�! Perhaps I shall orchestrate these pieces one day. It is intended that all 5 movements should be played together whenever possible, since there is a thematic interconnection between them suggesting that we were never far from the Seine and its sirens.

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