
For: Brass quintet
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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
9 minutes
Modern classical music
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One of England`s impenetrable castles, and to witness the feasting of the monarch in the great banqueting halls of times past. The huge busy kitchens, as hot and sticky as one could bear; all staff running to and fro; boiling kettles and fat sometimes spilling onto lowly cooks and waiting staff. The smell of the roasting spit fires; the sweat of the panic ridden chefs; the preparation of dozens of herbs and spices all combine to make it almost impossible to take in fresh breaths of air. The wine suppliers pray that the year`s vintage is a palatable one, and being required to make the first tasting, make their somewhat staggered and terrifying approach up to the monarch. With bottle and goblet upon silver tray, the waiting footman clears his throat - "MAY IT PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY!"

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