Der Lattenzaun

For: Voice + keyboard
page one of Der Lattenzaun

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Der Lattenzaun


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Year of composition
Christian Morgenstern
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
2 minutes
Modern classical music
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Christian Morgenstern is best remembered today as a writer of humorous verse. "Der Lattenzaun" tells the story of a picket fence: one day, an architect removed the space between the pickets and built a house with it. The sight of a fence without the spaces between the pickets was so vulgar that the town council had it taken away. Meanwhile, the architect had fled to Africa or America. In the song, I tried to keep up the spirit of the absurd that is found in the text. Note that the singer should sing the upper E in bar 62 only if he or she cannot reach the lower one.

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