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This is my first piece for violin and harp. The piece comes immediately after my string quartet, Op. 6. After such a long and involved work, it felt right to compose a melodic work in a more popular idiom. The title of the piece suggests Irish traditional music, but the tune is my own. The “Irishness” comes more from the fact that I imagined the melody while I was living in Ireland, rather than stemming from any research on Irish popular music, a subject in which I am no expert.
The initial ideas for this piece date from a few years back, so it is one of my first works, hence the designation as Op. 2. The original piano accompaniment was fully rewritten and set for harp during the Christmas holidays of 2001. Whist the original tune is still retained, this is now a brand new piece for violin and chromatic harp, which I dedicate to my friends Virgil Barstad and Mary McDonald (a violinist and a harpist, respectively) on the happy occasion of their recent engagement.
The piece is meant to be played wit a relatively free hand on rubato for the 12/8 sections, but keeping more to tempo in the 4/8 sections. The metronome mark is mainly indicative, and the music can be played at a slightly slower pace if desired.
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