Song 364 黒の月光 kuro no gekko Black Moonlight

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Song 364 黒の月光 kuro no gekko Black Moonlight




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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
Rock and Pop music
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English Story by Tracy Poe, Romaji and Kanji lyrics by Makiho 黒の月光 Kuro no gekkō 黒の月光 Kuro no gekkō 黒の月光 Kuro no gekkō

月は私の後に付いてきた Tsuki wa watashi no nochi ni tsuite kita

私は暗い小道を歩いていたとき Watashi wa kurai komichi o aruite ita toki

影は見ていた Kage wa mite ita

私の一歩一歩のすべてを Watashi no ichi-ho ichi-ho no subete o

クールといえば冬初めの 冷んやりとした微風だ Kūru to ieba fuyu hajime no hiya n yari to shita bifūda

しかし私が感じた身震いは寒さで はなく恐怖からのものだった Shikashi watashi ga kanjita miburui wa samu-sa de wa naku kyōfu kara no monodatta

黒の月光 Kuro no gekkō 黒の月光 Kuro no gekkō 黒の月光 Kuro no gekkō

The moon followed me As I walked a dark path Shadows were watching Every step I took Cool was the breeze Of winters first chill Yet the shivers I felt Were from fear not cold

To my loving wife Rhonda Poe
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