Walter In Baden

By: Milos Betko
For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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Walter In Baden


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Milos Betko
Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
6 minutes
Modern classical music
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EN: This is the Piano version of the first part of the original word-play for 2 Sopranos, 2 Altos, 1 Tenor, 2 Basses, Oboe, Guitar, Piano and Conductor, composed in 1988 - 1989. Actually, it's not the Piano version in the truest sense of the word; rather it's the Piano part from this piece. After premiere of Walter in 1989, the pianist asked me to allow him to play it at the concerts as the solo piece; he said, that the Piano part is "so good"… Walter is totally serial, including the rhythm, dynamics, pedaling and tempo changes.

Composer | Publisher

SK: Toto je klavirna verzia prvej casti povodnej slovnej hry pre 2 soprany, 2 alty, 1 tenor, 2 basy, hoboj, gitaru, klavir a dirigenta, skomponovanej v rokoch 1988 - 1989. Pravdu povediac, nie je to klavirna verzia v pravom slova zmysle; je to vlastne klavirny part z tejto skladby. Po premiere Waltera v roku 1989, ma klavirista poziadal, ci by mohl hravat tento part na koncertoch ako solovu skladbu pre klavir, pretoze je tak "dobra"… Walter je kompletne serialny vratane rytmu, dynamiky, pedalizacie a tempovych zmien.

Skladatel | Vydavatel

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