Joseph Virgilio

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United States of America

predominantly a self-taught composer, I did preliminary studies in music theory and composition at Rutgers University, NCAS under the tutelage of, among others, American composers Louie L. White and George T. Walker. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree as well as K-12 Public School Teacher's Certification. Leaving the education field after budget cuts curtailed the probability of a lifetime in the classroom, a career in the communications industry and a lengthy hiatus from music ensued. John Lennon sang: ". . . Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans . . ." this composer agrees. With tenure completed in corporate America, composition efforts resumed.

Influences include all styles of music from all periods in the canon. The most important influences on my musical life have been my oldest sibling and, though I do not expect my music will attest to this fact, the music of Brian Wilson . . .

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